

小胖家的小寶是今年學校科學盃 (Science Bowl) 隊長, 今天是年度大賽 - 南加地區的決賽, 冠軍隊伍可以代表南加到華盛頓 DC 參加全國總冠軍賽, 不但機票免費, 還可以呷免錢, 住免錢, 連觀光都免錢. 65.gif  


去年本校 Arcadia High School 只得到亞軍, (小寶也是隊員之一). 今年由小寶率隊打算血恥復仇, 揚言要打敗世仇 University High School, 然後稱霸全國, 光耀小胖家門楣.58.gif  




預賽分成四組, 由各組前兩名進入八強賽, 再舉行雙淘汱賽, 最後由勝部冠軍及敗部冠軍爭總冠軍.th_099_  

由小寶率领的 Arcadia HS 隊在預賽一路過關斬將, 連五場全勝大敗隊手, 以分組第一名進入決賽. 由於表現的太過優越, 連落杉磯時報的記者都跑來訪問最俱有冠軍相的 Arcadia 隊! 隊長小寶的父母也接受了記者的訪問, 大談自己是如何茹苦含辛的拉拔小寶長大, 如何以身作則的教育子女.8.gif  




八強赛第一場, 輕鬆愉快的解決掉另一組的第ニ名, 四強賽對上了另一組的第一名, 也是到目前為止全勝的強敵. 不要臉的是那一隊除了五名隊員外, 居然還帶了十多名的啦啦隊, 打算人多勢眾以氣勢壓倒我們!10.jpg  4.jpg  13.jpg  18.jpg  19.jpg  3.jpg  

好在虎父無犬子, 小寶及眾隊員們不為所動, 泰山崩於前而面不改色, 照樣殺的對手落花流水, 屁滾尿流. 光榮的進入了勝部冠軍賽. 163485429_472d844d55_o.gif  




勝部冠軍賽的對手不出所料的, 果然就是宿敵 University HS. 對手也是一路過關斬將, 全勝進入勝部冠軍賽. 6CBDA45B24593E92EEB9B09D93FBFCF9.gif  


所謂兩虎相爭必有一傷. 這場龍爭虎鬥在全場所有參賽隊伍及陪賽的家長及同學們眾目睽睽之下舉行, 參賽選手心中壓力之大, 可想而知.163485437_7f21c38d14_o.gif  




University HS 不愧是上屆南加冠軍, 全國第四的勁旅. 上半場結束時, 小寶率領的 Arcadia 隊僅小嬴 4 分. 下半場時不知是否壓力過大, 隊員們頻频出錯, 痛失江山, 將勝利拱手讓人. Arcadia 隊被打入敗部, 必需打敗部冠軍賽, 爭取再挑戰勝部冠軍的資格. th_11429688_57358.gif  

敗部冠軍賽的隊手是预賽同組的第二名, 在預賽時就被小寶們電的慘兮兮, 再度比賽剛好可以把剛才不小心失手的鳥氣出在他們身上, 在全場觀眾前給他們難看. 這場比賽結果當然是一面倒的由 Arcadia 隊大獲全勝. th_114_  




再度取得總冠軍賽資格的小寶隊員們, 個個摩拳擦掌, 熱血沸騰. 看來反共復國是指日可待啊. 163485474_5208d45b16_o.gif163485482_0aac3d94f1_o.gif  

總決賽上半場一開始, 小寶隊連下三城, 先馳得點, 氣勢凌人. 但對手豈是省油的燈, 接下來連下五城, 半場結束時, 反而取得領先. 41fe3244.gif  

小寶和隊員們沈住氣, 下半場立刻還以颜色, 馬上追回失分, 扳成平手. 接下來的故事結局大家一定都猜的出來吧?59.gif  




是的! 在小寶和其它隊員們將士用命奮戰不懈下, 小寶隊還是輸掉了~~~ (哭哭!) 5.gif  

只能說技不如人啊! 永遠都是當老二的命! 呷免錢, 住免錢, 到華盛頓玩免錢都泡湯了! 8.gif  




輸是輸了, 不過小寶這次比賽頗有大將之風, 十分沈穩, 雖敗猶榮啊! 7.gif  

而且去華盛頓吃住玩免錢還不是完全沒機會, 只要第一名的隊伍不小心出了點意外.......嘿嘿嘿......就可以由第二名遞補. 3d35bdf8.gif  

那小胖就不哈啦了, 這就去釘稻草人和打小人去了! th_076_  

拜拜! 6CBDA45B24593E92EEB9B09D93FBFCF9.gif  



LA Times 的文章出來了!
以下是有關 小寶隊 的部份報導: 163025501_cf270708e6_o.gif,0,5489928.story#ixzz2s9VetJpr



In the end, it came down to a rematch: Arcadia and University high schools, two teams made up of the brightest young science minds in Southern California who one year ago faced off just like this, armed with nothing more than a small pad of paper and a pencil against a 16-minute rat-a-tat-tat of questions like this:

"According to VSEPR bonding theory, if two of the bonded atoms in an octahedral molecule are replaced by two electron pairs, the molecule will assume what geometric shape, such as in XeF4?"

(Answer: Square Planar)

Twenty-four teams of five students each competed Saturday in the 22nd annual JPL Regional Science Bowl, a "Jeopardy"-style competition. The match was organized by and held at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory — so even volunteers keeping score and reading questions had PhDs.

But the focus was on the young men and women from schools in Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties as well as L.A. County (though not L.A. Unified School District, which has its own competition). Winners will compete at the National Science Bowl in Washington, D.C., in April.

Whereas Arcadia and University High, in Irvine, are local powerhouses whose teams have won the regional competition multiple times, others like Xavier College Preparatory High School in Palm Desert were relative newcomers.

Its members wore white lab coats and seemed to be having fun after spending the morning answering questions about chemistry, earth science, biology, energy, physics and math.

"There's some teams who will dominate," said senior Carl Maggio. "For us, it's more about the experience."

The team's five members have known one another for years, three of them since kindergarten, they said. And although they took the event seriously, practicing two to three hours per week, they knew their effort wasn't quite comparable to that of some of the more experienced teams.

"For a lot of teams this is like a sports event. They practice every day," Carl said.

The team from Huntington Beach High School skipped the lab coats and the school T-shirts worn by other teams and came in suits.

Theirs is a young team — made up mostly of sophomores, all of whom were in awe of team member Marlon Trifunovic, 15, who answered the question "What is the fraction for the repeating decimal .13131313…" before the answers had even been read. (Answer: 13/99)

"He did it in his head, he didn't even write it down," said Coach Ken Ostrowski.

Then there was Arcadia High School, whose team has won the regional title multiple times.

Team members gave up Friday evenings and Sundays to prepare for this, they said. They practiced not just the science but also skills like using buzzers, improving reaction times.

Each team member was assigned a specialization: for senior Bryan Clement Tiu it was math, for captain Jerry Li, chemistry and physics, for junior Kevin Wang, earth science and physics.

By the afternoon they were undefeated, and during later rounds, they were dominant, beating one team 102 to 22.

Each round lasted 16 minutes, with a two-minute break.

Jerry's parents, James and Joceline Li, sat on the sidelines, watching the competition.

"My heart is beating, boom boom boom," said Joceline Li, who held her breath and clutched her husband when the score was close, though both Lis acknowledged being a bit lost by the level of competition.

"I can understand the questions," said James Li. "But the answers? Forget it."

In the final round, Arcadia started off strong, racking up 32 points before University could even get on the board. But just as a year ago, the day belonged to University, whose team won, 114-68.

"They were really excited to come back because they won last year," said University Coach David Knight. "They knew other teams were going to be kind of gunning for them."

After the loss, team Arcadia gathered together and spent the next few minutes going over the questions they got wrong.

"I'm very proud of them," said Coach Cherryl Mynster. "They knew their stuff but the other team just outperformed them a little bit…. We'll be back next year."



    Science Bowl 2014

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